How to Make Roux
Learning how to make roux can seem like an intimidating task, however, it’s actually quite easy. This simple mixture of fat and flour is the base for many sauces, gravies and Gumbos. Here, you’ll learn how to make roux and how to expand the recipe to make other sauces and gravies.

What is a roux?
- Pronounced “roo”, a French term, is a combination of equal parts fat and flour that are cooked together to form the base for a sauce, gravy, gumbo or to create a thickening agent for soups, stews, or casseroles.
- The fat content is typically butter, but other fats include oil, bacon grease and/or pan drippings from sauteed or roasted meats.
- It is the base of a dish or sauce; it is not a sauce on its own
Here’s what you’ll need
The equipment and ingredients for how to make roux are quite basic:
- Fat – this can be butter, oil, bacon grease or pan drippings from roasted meats like steak or chicken
- Flour – all-purpose flour works best for a hearty roux, but you can also use cornstarch
- Skillet – a cast-iron skillet is recommended, but you can use a stainless skillet or a ceramic Dutch oven
- Tools-you’ll need a wooden spoon or a firm spatula to press the clumps and make a paste

How to make it
- In a large skillet on low heat, melt the fat first, then sprinkle in an equal amount of flour, and stir the two together; the mixture will be clumpy, but you can use the back of a wooden spoon to mash the lumps until it reaches a paste consistency
- This initial step cooks the raw flour. After about two minutes or so the flour is cooked and now you have a roux.
I’ve made the roux…now what?
At this point, you can do a couple of things, depending upon your goal. You can:
- Add the mixture directly to a soup, stew or casserole for thickening – OR-
- Add a liquid to the mixture to make a sauce or gravy
Adding Ingredients
As noted above, the finished roux is simply a cooked combination of fat and flour in a 1:1 ratio. Once this step is complete, you can add a liquid to make various sauces.
- If you add a dairy product (milk, heavy cream, evaporated milk) you will make a cream sauce – makes a Bechamel, or Basic white sauce. After you’ve added dairy, you can make homemade condensed soups of any flavor by adding flavored bouillon, seasoned stock and spices.
- Fish or seafood broth makes Veloute, or a fish sauce
- Beef or chicken broth makes a nice sauce for steaks, roasted chicken
- Tomato sauce or paste creates a nice red sauce – think marinara sauce for pasta or a tomato sauce for fish
After adding liquid, you can season it with your choice of herbs, spices, acids (wine, lemon, vinegar), salt, pepper, and seasonings.
White roux is used for white sauces, blonde is thicker than white and is used for thickening soups and stews, dark has the least thickening power, (that’s why Cajun’s sprinkle a little ground gumbo file over their gumbo) but offers a deep flavor to gravies and gumbos.
Recipe tips
- If using butter as the fat, use unsalted – WHY? It’s easier to add salt than it is to correct oversalted roux
- If you’re using oil as your fat, use a neutral-flavored oil like canola or vegetable oil; olive oil is not recommended
- Keep the heat on LOW; flour thickens at low temperatures
- Stir constantly; if the flour burns, you’ll have to start over
Three types of roux
- White – the quickest roux typically used for thin sauces; ready in 2-8 minutes
- Blonde– medium-bodied roux that is ready in 8-20 minutes; most often used for thickening casseroles or for making condensed soup
- Dark– dark in color and requires constant stirring for 30-60 minutes. Dark roux is used in gumbo recipes and Jambalaya recipes
How to make white roux
Combine equal parts of fat and flour; stir constantly on low heat 2-8 minutes. This is most often used for thin sauces.
How to make a blonde roux
Combine equal parts of fat and flour; stir constantly on low heat 8-20 minutes. Blonde is typically used for medium thick sauces, like for thickening macaroni and cheese, or making a Creole or Cajun sauce for Crawfish Etouffee or Shrimp Etouffee.

How to make a dark roux
If you’re making gumbo, cook the fat/flour mixture on low heat, constantly stirring until it is dark brown (darker than the color of peanut butter.) This typically takes 30 – 60 minutes and a bottle of wine to keep you occupied while stirring:) Some folks bake theirs in the oven, stirring occasionally, but I’ve found it safer and easier to just stand at the stove and stir.

What sauces can I make from a white roux?
White roux and dairy (milk or cream) creates a basic white sauce, also known as Bechamel sauce, which is one of The Five Mother Sauces.
This is a basic white sauce, often used in vegetable dishes, or to thicken light colored soups or stews, such as potato soup or chowders.
Once you learn how to make roux, you can also make Southern style cream gravy. Heat the fat and flour, add milk, stir or whisk until it is smooth, season with salt and pepper.
What sauces can I make from blonde?
Blonde is a bit thicker than a white, so it has stronger binding properties. A perfect example of blonde is a Mornay, or cheese sauce, where shredded cheese is added to the blonde roux.
Blonde is an excellent basis for condensed “Cream of Chicken” soup; simply add a bit of chicken stock or broth, allow it to cook for a few minutes, then incorporate into the soup/stew or casserole.
Recipes that use Dark
Dark is used as the basis for Gumbo, which is French-Louisiana staple menu item, consisting of a dark broth with seafood and/or andouille sausage, onion, celery, bell pepper and okra.
Dark also makes an excellent brown gravy for coq a vin, braised pot roasts or hearty chicken stew.
Can I make it in advance?
This can be made in advance; once cooled, divide into portions and place in a securely sealed container. Refrigerate up to one week; freeze up to 6 months.

Once you learn how to make roux, feel free to explore the many different types of sauces, or create your own!
Related recipes
- Basic White Cream Sauce (Bechamel Sauce)
- Southern Cream Gravy
- How to Fix Over-Salted Soups and Stews
- Kitchen 101
- Homemade Condensed Soup
- Macaroni and Cheese
- Perfect Cheese Sauce

- 8 oz butter or oil
- 8 oz all-purpose flour
- Melt butter or oil in saucepan8 oz butter or oil
- On low heat, gradually add flour, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon8 oz all-purpose flour
- For a light roux: cook 2-8 minutesFor a blonde roux: cook 8-20 minutesFor a dark roux: cook 20-60 minutes
- Now that the roux is done, add either dairy, broth/stock or water to create the desired sauce; for more info, refer to the post
- Once the roux is cooked, you can gradually add a liquid, (broth, dairy, water) to make a sauce. Make sure you whisk constantly when adding additional liquids or ingredients.